Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 1 of The JOURNEY to Weight Loss

Today is the first day of my weight loss journey. It has actually been on and off in the past, but I made up my mind that I would find a solution to the termites swallowing up food in my stomach!

My statistics as at today are:

Waist: 43
Hips:   51
Bust:   42
BMI:   30.9
Weight: 90kg

Did I miss anything? I am not going to make use of any calorie counter. It doesn't work for me, or does it for you? As the days go by, I will keep you updated on my achievements.

Honestly, I cheated on my first day at weight loss. I couldn't keep my eyes off those roasted fresh corn. Lol! long throat no go kill me. I'm sure you'd do same if you were in my shoes. "wink" Well this evening, I managed some salad. Lord, I need you in this journey; help me.
Roasted Corn


  1. I count calories and it works for me. Btw October 2012 and now I've lost a total of 40kg.

    1. Whoa!thanks. First comment. I'm shocked.I'll try counting calories,tho' not easy.

  2. Yeay! Way to go dear!
    Count calories oh it keeps you at check.

    1. Wow.nelly thanks for the
      advice.Never knew I would get comments. You.Are.My.Inspiration.
